Lately, we have gotten a lot of invites to friends weddings this summer. Its crazy, actually, to think about. 5 already and it's only March. So I have to say that I am GLAD we decided to wait to next Summer. Really, it's a good idea.
On that note...
Marriage. Yeah, I said it. I'm doing it (again) and I have to say it's very strange and the young age of 26 to say that. I don't know how else to say it. It's the truth. I cannot believe that I was married before. And that I no longer have been for over 5 years. I know the story. I know it's not the way it sounds and that there are circumstances beyond my control that made it that way. Still, not everyone knows that. To some I am that "26 year old girl who will have been married twice and her baby isn't her fiances." I say that this way cause that IS what people say. It's the truth. I've heard it all before. I know the stories and I know the way things work. Funny thing is it's not all black and white. Or it's not all pretty roses and butterflies and happily ever after all the time. I'm not one of those people anymore. I was. For quite a while. It's weird to me even now as I type this how silly ALL OF THE ABOVE sounds. But its coming from my brain, to here.
I had this great need to be loved after "he who shall not be named" died. (had to, its from Harry Potter!) I felt like no one would like me the way he did and that I could never be happy. I would always be alone. And so I needed to find love for myself and boy, did that NOT work. Pathetic.
But I got lucky. I met a great guy. Didn't know at first how great he was. Lot's of stuff. Up's and downs. At at that time I was only 21. How do you know at that age things will last forever. Clearly at 18, I was wrong and at 21 I knew better than to plan on forever, but I am a go-getter. I don't give up easily and I a VERY VERY stubborn. (I know my mom is reading this and nodding agreeing with 100% of it.)
Now, 4 1/2 years later and after having been through enough of the crap that we have been through over the years, I know. I have never been MORE SURE of anything in my life. He IS my best friend. He is the father of my daughter. He loves us more than anything in the world and I know, without a doubt in my mind, that he would do anything we ever needed. How lucky am I, to be marrying my best friend. Pretty darn lucky. It took me along time to find him and ever longer to know he was the one. And boy am I glad he is. I can't wait for forever with him. Forever is along time, I know. But I know I found the one I am supposed to be with. I am the luckiest girl alive. Marrying my best friend. Seriously!
Love you all,