Shavik is working hard. Lots of overtime and call in's. With this extreme cold, wind, and rain, he is gone early and home late. We appreciate him though for all the time he puts in!
Chloe is doing great! Second year of pre-school and she is learning so much! We can't believe how much she has grown. She amazes us everyday. She is so intelligent and is always listening and watching what we do. It scares us a bit cause we think she knows TOOO MUCH!
I have been working a lot, and doing school. On top of that trying to run a household. I have put off planning the wedding a bit as I have been so caught up in other things. Life has been so busy for me I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. Never thought I would be happy about that though.
We entered a contest in January to win a wedding at the venue we fell in love with, and we didn't win. So we decided to wait until next summer, 2015, to get married. We want to have the time to really plan and save. We have some home improvement projects we want to get started this summer as well.
Its amazing how when I look back on my life over the last 5 years, how much has changed. How much I have changed. I am proud, now, of who I am. It took me quite a bit of searching, learning, and growing to achieve that. It was hard cause I was very hard on myself and didn't give myself credit when due. I didn't think I deserved what I now have. I have a great support system in place with both my family, Shaviks family, and my wonderful friends. I am so lucky!
Hope you all have an amazing week. This is my moms birthday week! YAY! :)