I have decided to try something else. I am going to be a Scentsy consultant. For those of you who dont know what Scentsy is, its a wickless candle with hundreds of scents. They are safe, no fire, no hassle, they just smell good! You purchase a warmer, which by the way there are almost a hundred to choose from ranging from college sports teams, to kids, to well just about any theme your house decor is. And then you buy the scent bars. Tons and tons of choices. Fruity, spa, manly, also have spring/summer specifc, and fall/winter specific. They make great gifts for birthdays, Mothers/Fathers day, or Christmas. Visit my website to take a look at all there is to offer and place an order if you wish!
Thanks guys for sticking in there with me. I will probably be promoting alot of what Scentsy has to offer here and try and keep more up-to date on the happenings in our family!
Lots of love!